A Tourist in sri lanka

Day 1 - 6

'Planes, trains and tuk tuks. If you call travelling a vacation, then you are doing it wrong. Vacation = relaxation, pampering, and ease if daily activities and obligations. Travel = exploring, experimenting, experiencing, frustrating, laughing, learning about yourself and making mistakes to learn from.

I must say it's funny; jumping off a plane into a new country, jumping off a train into a new city, and diving into a new culture. At first you feel completely lost and confused. You may not know where you are or where you are going. You feel faint, hungry and dizzy. You get ambushed by dozens of locals trying to convince you of what you should be doing and how you should be spending your money. Like a fish swimming against the stream, you have to fight against their sweet sounding words and find your natural instincts. Tremendous amounts of research in advance, questioning fellow travelers and asking the same questions to different people b over and over to try and make the best sense of it all. Traveling is hard work. Work that you don't get paid for, and try not to get robbed along that way.

You make mistakes. You learn from your mistakes.

By the second day in this new environment you start to feel more orientated with your surroundings; comfortable. And then to see a dozen of sweaty, stinky, lost looking backpackers stumble out of the train and spill out into thy city. I'm thinking to myself ‘that's exactly how i felt and looked yesterday’; and u chuckle at myself, to myself.

The most important thing for me when i travel is space and meditation. Bringing the self back to your heart center. It is easy to get caught up in the busy environments and its overwhelming at times. But, if you are calm in the body, clear in the mind and happy in the heart them naturally your energy path will chase outta destiny with ease.

Clear your mind, live with an open heart and experience the fruits of life.
